Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nearly February

Hello all! By "all" I mean the two people that read this. It's been a while, I know. January has been an interesting month, I must say. I moved out for the first time into a great apartment and was finally starting to get settled in and unpacked when all hell broke loose.
It was a lazy Sunday, I was hung over and about to make some French toast when I heard this gushing noise as if someone had just turned a shower on. I figured it was just a neighbour until I realized I don't even HAVE a neighbour on that side. I head downstairs to see if it's coming from the bathroom and the fire bell starts blaring! I'm already thinking "oh shit" when I see all this brown water flooding out of my bathroom and into my hallway! It's making it's way to Ashley's rooms so I yell for her and we both have a fucking anneurism. Meanwhile, fire alarm is still going so we grab our purses and keys and head to the front and see what the hell's going on.
The fire department shows up and Ashley flags them down to tell them about the flood we've got. They check it out and it turns out the pipe leading to the spinkler system had frozen and burst. Now, these lines to generally get cleared unless there is an actual fire so the water that's pumping into the apartment is filthy and smells wrected, with this really pungent metal smell. They turn the water off to that pipe and we can finally go into the apartment and get anything off the floor that needs to be moved.
The water completely soaked the floor in Ashley's room, the hallway, and half of my room. It was a complete fiasco because we had to move nearly everything from the downstairs area back upstairs. Our living room looked like a self storage locker. It's a good thing it was a building fault so the carpet cleaning and replacing the bathroom floor was all covered by management. And we even got a new bathroom floor out of the deal, which is great because the old one was pretty fugly. But I had to go live at my parents' place for a week. It's funny, I finally move out after 24 years and I have to come right back again within two weeks.
Everything is pretty much back to normal now though. I even managed to get most of the things that I still had at mom and dad's over here. And I finally got my curtains put up today (with Ashley's help of course, being that I'm super short and couldn't reach where I wanted to install the rod even while standing on a chair).

1 comment:

Kim said...

That super sucks about the burst pipe!!!!!
But at least they got it cleaned up pretty fast and nothing got seriously damaged of yours (I assume anyways).
I'm sick of it summer yet?